Saturday, December 6, 2008

Twinkle, twinkle, pretty lights

In case you're noticing a trend, yes, I have been mainly posting my photos on facebook lately. Since I upload them there anyway, it's really simple for me to just post the link instead of uploading them here too. It's especially handy for multiple photos, since I've found that the blogger photo upload process is fairly tedious for that sort of thing.

So after that long and mostly unnessary explanation, here's the link to my latest batch of photos- Christmas lights!! The lights are probably my favorite part of Christmas. We try to go out several times each year and tour lots of different neighborhoods and houses. But the season is never complete without visiting Clark Court.

Clark Court is our city's "candy cane lane." Every house on this long cul-de-sac does it up BIG for Christmas. And the awe factor is multiplied by the fact that all the houses are big and beautiful- even without the lights. I can't imagine the work and expense that goes into something like this, but just driving through really gets me in the Christmas spirit. (However, I also like to walk through- better for taking pictures!)

I also took lots of photos of my parents' house because it's really something to see. In fact, everybody got tired of my dad always winning the neighborhood decorating contest, so they quit having it. No kidding! But the house is still a winner in my book.

So enjoy the lights this year, and let them remind you of the baby who came to be the Light of the world.

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