Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.
So this week, I did not play pillow fight and dodge-pillow with the kids using the "decorative pillows" from the good couch. Those are just for looks, you know.
At the wedding I coordinated, I most certainly did not neglect to get any of the sparkling cider bottles open before they were all placed on the tables and the pouring was supposed to start. And we did not have only one bottle opener, causing guests to have to use their own key-ring bottle openers or their teeth to open the bottles in a timely fashion.
I did not, at that same wedding, bend over a little too far in my short dress in front of the whole crowd while arranging bouquets at the head table.
And of course I did not eat out or make mac & cheese for the kids 4 out of the last 6 nights. I only make balanced, healthy meals. Every night.
Speaking of eating out, I did not stop by Arby's when I could have grabbed a sandwich at home just because a roast beef & cheddar sounded good.
And here's another thing I would never, never do. I did not take Colby out of school early on Friday so we could go see "Up!" before the crowds descended upon the theatre. Education before entertainment, I always say.
And finally, I did not purposely ignore that little piece of paper scrap in the hallway and walk over it about 50 times. In fact, it's not still sitting there right now.
Great post! I did NOT find myself nodding as I was reading your false antics like I've experienced them all before.
I'm so glad to hear your brother still loves his mama!
HAHAHAHAHA! I love it! I've never done anything of those things either... LOL
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