Monday, June 9, 2008

I usually like getting mail

Somebody was kind enough to take pictures of me the other day and send them to me in the mail. I wish I could say it was a shoot for a magazine cover, or even a before-and-after shot for my weight loss, but no. Sadly, these are pictures of me running a red light.

In my defense... well, I have no defense. We were running incredibly late for school, and I just went through the light right behind the guy in front of me. Wonder if he got a $425 ticket too. Maybe I'll see him in traffic school.


Anonymous said...

Whoops! We can't run lights... our Miss M meter yells if we go through yellow lights!

Anonymous said...

YIKES that is an expensive ticket ;0 Darned old cameras anyway ;)

tate31nym said...

$425?!?! holy buckets batman! that stinks!