Today I gave blood. For a good long time, I had wanted to do it, but was too scared. I didn't like the thought of laying there as my blood was draining out of me. After 9/11, they had a blood drive at work, but too many people signed up, so I didn't get to do it. Finally a few months back, they had a blood drive at church, and I decided to go for it.
I was nervous, but the guy who did it was excellent and I honestly didn't feel any pain with the needle at all. It wasn't weird to have my blood drained out. They do it very discreetly and professionally, so that it's really not a big deal.
I came home from that experience feeling good about myself and decided I definitely wanted to donate again. Weeks passed, and I had to cancel the next appointment I'd made, which brought me up to today.
Driving over to the donation center, the Lord laid it on my heart to make this a new Christmas tradition. It may seem an odd thing to correlate with Christmas, but really it makes perfect sense. By giving blood, I remind myself of Christ's sacrifice for me. My blood may save someone's life, but Jesus' blood gives us eternal life. Christ came to this earth as a man for the purpose of shedding his blood for us. The whole Christmas story is incomplete if we just look to the manger. The real miracle of Christmas is *why* God came to be with us. Without His blood being shed, there would be no forgiveness... no reason at all for Him to humble Himself and become a baby... a baby born to die.
So while blood donation may not be a traditional Christmas activity, my gift to others will serve to remind me of His gift to all of us. And that's worth celebrating.
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