Wednesday, April 9, 2008

A good word

This morning at MOPS we had a guest speaker who shared something that kind of turned on a light bulb in my mind. The Lord has kind of been whispering it to me lately, but today He used the speaker to let me know loud and clear.

I'm still kind of meditating on it and thinking it through (read: haven't had a quiet moment since MOPS to continue my thought process on it!), but the phrase she said was,

"Though it's important to read books, learn techniques, and try to perfect the art of being a good mother, what your kids will really *learn* from is who you are as a person."

She shared how it's important to be growing as a child of God, becoming the woman and daughter God wants you to be. All the techniques for getting the kids to sleep through the night or eat their peas or whatever are ok, but who we really are when the milk gets spilled or when the baby won't sleep or just in our everyday life... that's what our kids are actually learning from.

I'm big on techniques. I have a technique and a plan of attack for everything. What I'm sorely lacking is priority for my time with the Lord and my own spiritual growth. This shows itself when my "techniques" break down and I get hopeless and frustrated.

Last week I was flipping through the radio stations in the car, looking for talk radio. I have no idea why, because I *never* listen to talk radio. But the first station that came in was a guy preaching. He said, "The only thing keeping God from working in our lives is me, myself, and I." I continued my search about 3 or 4 stations later only to hear a completely different preacher say, "God wants to be at work in our lives. The only thing stopping that is us."

You know how in the Bible when God wants to get a point across, it's repeated several times in a row? Well, I'm not claiming biblical revelation here, but it made me take notice. Two completely different preachers within a space of about 5 minutes on two completely different stations, preaching the same thing to a girl who faithfully sticks to her presets. Hmmm..

I think I have some work to do.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

sounds like a bibical revelation to me :) I love when I hear stories such as your because I can see God at work and it is great when the person He is working on is listening to him :) I will tell you when I look at you I see a very Godly woman, mother and friend.