Thursday, November 13, 2008

The Internet is Cool

Yes, the world wide web has it's share of troubles, problems, and downright evil things, just like anything else. But there are a lot of great things about it, too.

Where else can you find a long lost best friend from back when you were 12?

Where else can you buy a cable for your ipod for a mere 10% of retail price?

And where else can you find a super cool interactive map of Disneyland like this?:

Nowhere, my friends. And that is why the internet is just so darn cool.


Jessica & Jeremy said...

I had so much fun with this last night....;) The music made me miss Disneyland even more!

Jessica & Jeremy said...

one more thing...where else can you look at old photos from the 80's?? Only on the 'corny' people blog. ;)