Colby and I broke out The Game of Life this evening. He's never played it the real way, according to the rules. Usually he just drives around all the paths and spins the wheel a few time just for good measure, so tonight we had a Life date and played full force.
I got a kick out of him when he "got married." At first he was going to his let little blue man be the driver of the car. That only lasted for a moment, though. He quickly decided, "To make my wife feel special, I'm gonna let her drive."
Awww, how sweet! I made sure to praise him for his thoughtfulness, and I hope he continues throughout his life to have a soft heart towards the woman God has in mind for him.
I also have to give Brian some props for being a great example to our boys of how to treat the woman you love. Little does Colby know, however, that the reason I usually drive isn't because Brian wants me to feel special, but because I'm a complete control freak when it comes to driving in the car! We'll keep that between you and me for now.
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