A few miles out of town, there's what they call an Exotic Feline Breeding Compound. This is a sanctuary for exotic cats, and they were having a Kid's Day today. Instead of the cats sleeping all day like usual, the volunteers gave them toys and food to coax them out of their slumber. Ironically, the price of a child's admission was higher today than any other day of the year. Maybe they should call it "Make Money off the Kids Day." They also had another wildlife group there displaying some other rescued animals not of the feline persuasion.
This guy greets you as you enter the gift shop. They're really serious about preserving the species.
Don't you wanna just take this guy home with you? Bad idea. He'll eat your face off.
Maybe it's just me, but this one doesn't look like he really wanted his picture taken. Bad hair day maybe.
Despite trying several different angles for this shot, he just would not get his face out from behind that annoying bar on the cage!
But check out those patterns!
This one is just pretty.
Here's a cutie (psst, it's not a cat).
Baby desert fox...
....and the face of a baby desert fox.
....and the face of a baby desert fox.
The definition of "so ugly, it's cute":
Aren't the colors just electrifying? (Please, don't hate me because I'm clever)
We concluded the outing by eating burritos at Taco Bell. In Rosamond. It just doesn't get better than that.
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