I think it's time I update the blog about my weight loss journey. I started back in September at my all-time non-pregnant highest weight of 203.2 pounds. Right about Halloween time, I hit a low spot and was ready to quit. I didn't want to miss out on all the candy and subsquent gorging that goes along with the holidays. My good friend Kalani was doing the program with me at the time (she's since gotten pregnant, so she's on hiatus ;) ), and she convinced me to just keep going. I told her I'd give her that one week. Well, since that time, I've been on fire! I've been doing so well that for the first time ever, I decided that I wanted to go ahead and try to *lose* weight over the holidays. Usually I make a compromise and say I just want to maintain my current weight, but I felt like I could reach my first goal (lose 10% of starting body weight) if I stayed strong through New Year. I'm extremely happy to report that I did great! I enjoyed some treats, but I practiced moderation. We even had prime rib on Christmas, and I managed to lose 3.8 pounds that week! On December 26th, I reached my 10% goal by reaching a total loss of 21.2 pounds. Next stop, goal weight.... another 22 pounds to go. I'm half way there! It feels great to start the new year not vowing to start losing weight; I'm already way ahead of the game.
Not the best pics because I'm usually behind the camera, but here's me in September right before I started...

And then here I am at Christmas...

When I get to goal weight, I'll be sure to take a full-length shot... although I won't find many pictures of me like that in my fat state to compare...haha!
Good for you, Apryl! Keep up the great attitude and you'll be at your goal in no time!
you look great! honestly, you didn't look bad before, lol, but you look way happier with yourself and THAT makes a HUGE difference:)
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